CESA-based research


Anderson, H. (2013). La influencia de la persona gramatical sobre la expresión del pronombre sujeto en el español del sur de Arizona [The influence of grammatical person on subject pronoun expression in Southern Arizona Spanish], Divergencias: Revista de estudios lingüísticos y literarios, 11(1).

Calafate, I. (2022). Mood variation among Spanish-English bilinguals in Southern Arizona: cross dialectal continuities and methodological considerations. Semas. Revista de Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada, 3, 6. https://semas.uaq.mx/index.php/ojs/article/view/117

Cruz Flores, A. (2021). A syntactic approach to gender assignment in Spanish-English bilingual speech. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 6, 1. Cruz | A syntactic approach to gender assignment in Spanish–English bilingual speech | Glossa: a journal of general linguistics (glossa-journal.org)

Cruz Flores, A. (2018). The past persists into the present: a multivariate analysis of Present Perfect in Southern Arizona Spanish. In MacDonald, J., ed., Contemporary Trends in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics:  Selected Papers from the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2015, pp. 169-189, John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Limerick, P. P. (2018). Variable clitic placement in U.S. Spanish. Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics Series, edited by Jonathan E. MacDonald. John Benjamins. 49-70.

Fernández-Florez, Carmen (2022) The use of the Intensifier bien among Bilinguals in Southern Arizona Spanish and its Grammaticalization Process. Revista española de lingüística aplicada (RESLA), 35.1.

Lease, Sarah. 2024. Contextual frequency effects in children's phonetic variation: The case of Spanish word-initial /d/. Language Variation and Change, 1-24.

Llompart, M. (2016). Subject-verb order variation with unaccusative verbs of change of location in Mexico and Southern Arizona. Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics. 9 (1), 143-173.

McKinnon, S & Jung, D. Forthcoming. Cuando baja el sol: A Variationist analysis of subject position in bilingual Arizonan and monolingual Mexican Spanish. Spanish in Context.

Theses and Dissertations

Rojas Barreda, Hannia Odette. (2022). El subjuntivo en el español como lengua heredada en hablantes bilingües con instrucción académica alta. Benemérita Universidad Autónonoma de Puebla. Tesis de Licenciada en Lingüística y Literatura Hispánica.


Amaya, Luis. 2014. El uso del ‘como’ discursivo en el habla bilingüe de Tucson, Arizona. Poster presented at the 13th International Linguistics Conference in Northwest Mexico, Universidad de Sonora. November 2014.

Anderson, Hope. 2014. El uso del progresivo con distintos verbos auxiliares en el español del sur de Arizona. Poster presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, November 2014. (Also presented at Department of Spanish and Portuguese Linguistics Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, November 2014.)

Anderson, Hope. 2013. La influencia de la persona gramatical sobre la expresión del pronombre sujeto en el español del sur de Arizona. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, February 2013.

Brock, Stephanie. 2014. “Frijoles en un hot dog, ¿cómo es eso posible?” The classification of English-origin nouns in Spanish.  Poster presented at the 13th International Linguistics Conference in Northwest Mexico, Universidad de Sonora. November 2014.

Calafate de Barros, Isabella. 2019. Variation in mood selection in Spanish of Southern Arizona. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Texas, El Paso. October 24, 2019.

Christoffersen, Katie. 2019. “Hablo pocha, ¿no?”: Linguistic terrorism and language ideology at the US/Mexico borderlands. Symposium on Ideologies, Atttitudes, and Power at Language Contact Settings. Stockholm, Sweden. May 16-17, 2019.

Christoffersen, Katie. 2019. Keynote Address. "Linguistic terrorism in the borderlands: The role of the language educator.  International Day of the Mother Tongue Conference. Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Ciudad Juárez, México. Feb. 22, 2018.

Cruz, Abel 2015. The past persists in the present: a multivariate analysis of Present Perfect and Preterit in narratives of Southern Arizona Spanish. Paper presented at the Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. October 26, 2015.

Fernández-Flórez, Cramen. 2018. The use of intensifier bien among bilinguals in Southern Arizona Spanish – An identity marker? Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Queens College. April 6, 2018.

Herrera Dulcet, Andrea. 2015. The discourse markers so and entonces in the bilingual narratives of south Arizona:Using muletillas to walk across bilingual narratives. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Linguistics Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, April 2015.

Jung, Daniel & McKinnon, Sean. 2019. A variationist analysis of overt subject placement in bilingual Arizona and monolingual Mexican Spanish. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Texas, El Paso. October, 25, 2019.

Kern, Joseph. 2018. Like in English and como, como que, and like in Spanish among bilinguals. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Queens College. April 6, 2018.

Llompart, Miquel. 2015. Variación en el orden sujeto-verbo (SV-VS) con inacusativos de cambio de lugar en México y el sur de Ariozona. Paper presented at the 4th Annual Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Linguistics Conference, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, April 2015.

Lozano, Claire. 2015a. Innovation in Quotatives of South Arizona Spanish. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Symposium on Hispanic and Luso--‐Brazilian Literature, Language and Culture. The University of Arizona. February 2015.

Lozano, Claire. 2015b. Innovation in quotatives of Southern Arizona Spanish. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. September 25, 2015.

Matute-Sanchez, Angela. 2018. The Semantic Extension of estar in Tucson Spanish / La extension semántica de estar en el español de Tucson. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Graduate Linguistics/TESOL Symposium, February 3, 2018.

Matute-Sanchez, Angela. 2019. The Future Tense Expression in Southern Arizona SpanishA. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Texas, El Paso. October 25, 2019.

McKinnon, Sean & Jung, S. 2019. A variationist analysis of overt subject placement in bilingual Arizonan and monolingual Mexican Spanish. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. University of Texas, El Paso. October 26, 2019.

Rodriguez-Guerra, Miriam. 2014. The discourse marker ‘este’ in Arizona Spanish. Poster presented at the 13th International Linguistics Conference in Northwest Mexico, Universidad de Sonora. November 2014.

Rodriguez-Guerra, Miriam. 2018. The discourse marker este in Southern Arizona Spanish. Paper presented at the 9th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics. Queens College. April 6, 2018.